
Zinc Deficiency

Symptoms: Leaves show interveinal chlorosis. leaves with short internodes.
Affect: Turning to brown or grey necrotic lesions.

Nitrogen Deficiency

Symptoms: Older leaves dying prematurely when storage is severe.
Affect: Effects on older and younger leaves.

Sulphur Deficiency

Symptoms: Pale yellow plants, symptoms appear first on younger leaves.
Affect: Necrosis.

Potassium Deficiency

Symptoms: Leaves chlorotic at the tip and progressing to the base, scorched appearance, stems weak.
Affect: Pale green plants with a limp or wilted appearance.

Manganese Deficiency

Symptoms: Grey speck spots leaves often drop at the base lighter green than normal.
Affect: Slow growth.

Iron Deficiency

Symptoms: Severe chlorosis of leaves, most severe on younger growths.
Affect: Die-back of chlorotic leaves.

Boron Deficiency

Symptoms: Terminal shoots die, poor grain filling.
Affect: Tips of younger leaves remain rolled.

Phosphorous Deficiency

Symptoms: Purple and yellowing of leaf tips and delayed heading.
Affect: Plants are stunted.