
Sulphur Deficiency

Symptoms: Yellowing first Appears on the older leaves, followed by gradual discoloring of the entire leaf.
Affect: Sucrose content is reduced.

Phosphorous Deficiency

Symptoms: Leaf margins and bottom of side of leaves will turn purple.
Affect: Plants are usually stunted.

Nitrogen Deficiency

Symptoms: Older leaves turn to yellow colour.
Affect: Growth was stunted.

Iron Deficiency

Symptoms: The base of the youngest leaves appear bleached,while the leaf tips and margins initially remain green.
Affect: Colour of potato will be dull.

Copper Deficiency

Symptoms: The tips brown and become necrotic.
Affect: Young leaves curl upwards.

Calcium Deficiency

Symptoms: Normal development of growing points is inhibited, cupping of leaves.
Affect: Tuber quality and keeping quality is reduced.

Boron Deficiency

Symptoms: Leaves have a dark thick and appearance and curl upwards.
Affect: Growing points die off and plant display a typical bushy appearance with short inter nodes.